Wednesday 20 April 2011

Three awesome new pictures of Ryan Reynolds all suited as Green Lantern

Wow, wow and wow, this is what the fans have been waiting for, some decent images of the DC superhero.

Released earlier today, we managed to snap up these three images thanks to Hey U Guys, and I think you would all agree, they are pretty epic. Not really showing anything apart from Ryan standing there in full costume, I think that's the point Warner Bros. is trying to make. With a lot of criticism about the way the CGI suit looked like in the trailers and previous images released, these new pictures sure smack those comments in the face. Giving a cool dark green glow, Reynolds looks kick-ass.

You can see Reynolds in his full Green Lantern glory above, from head to toe, literally. In fact did anyone actually know that he doesn't have boots? Hmm a superhero with no boots, that's a new one.

<h2>Hitting cinemas 17th June, we all can't wait for this</h2>  


Ryan Reynalds Speaks out about 'Green Lantern'

With a lot of the news at the moment surrounding 'Green Lanterns' CGI problems and trailer issue etc., it's nice to have a good chat from the leading man Ryan Reynolds about the film at hand, and hear what he has to say about his character, and separate the negatives with the positives (if there are any)

After speaking exclusively with <a target="_blank" href="">Total Film</a> about the DC superhero, Ryan explained what actually appealed to him when he was first approached with the film.

Here is what he had to say.

<em>“His real superpower is something everyone can relate to: it’s grappling and dealing with fear every day.”</em>

The actor also told explained what makes his superhero stand out from the rest, and surprisingly it's not his bright green suit.

<em>“There’s a big distinction. One is crazy, being fearless; the other one is very human. I think that’s what makes him the greatest Green Lantern of all.”</em

<em>“I think that’s what kids and adults alike are gonna love about it.”</em>

I think we can all say that whenever Ryan Reynolds is passionate about something, he really is passionate, lets just hope the film delivers in the way Ryan is making it sound.

Green Lantern is released 17th June, so you still have a little while to wait to see Ryan in his cucumber suit.

<h2>Are you as confident as Ryan is about 'Green Lantern?'</h2>

Zack Snyder says that his Clark Kent will NOT appear in the Justice League film.

After not the best start he would of wanted for 'Sucker Punch', Zack Snyder is now focusing on 'Superman' and lets pray that maybe after reading our and a few other reviews, he go back and changes a few things, because I don't think many people are too confident at the moment with Mr Snyder.

However now we have some other confusing and ridiculous news from the land of Warner Bros. and DC Comics. We<a target="_blank" href="">Reported</a> yesterday that Batman will in fact get rebooted, after Christopher Nolan's sequel 'The Dark Knight Rises', so that Batman can slide into the story of 'The Justice League' film which apparently will be hitting the cinema in 2013 (yeah I'm angry, confused and stunned as well). And now Zack Snyder has said that his Superman will not be part of the 'Justice League' franchise, so now it looks like we will have another Superman and no doubt another film as well. Warner Bros. what the heck are doing?!

Here is what the director had to say about the issue.

<em>"Like what Christopher Nolan is doing and what I'm doing with Superman, what they'll do with Justice League of America will be it's own thing with it's own Batman and own Superman. We'll be over here with our movie and they'll kinda get to do it twice which is kinda cool."</em>

So, two Clark Kent's and a potentially three Bruce Wayne's, not going to lie viewers but this sounds awful lets be honest. I mean the thing that Marvel have done so well is, take there time over the big event (Avengers) and lets the characters establish themselves before jumping the gun, Warner are pretty much rushing it in the worst possible way, before we have even seen a new Batman or Superman project. Think we should call back Clooney and see if he wants to get into the suit for another terrible outing for Batman.

The only positive is that Chris Nolan will produce the three Batman films, but somehow I'm not sure why he would want to be \apart of this, will see what else is revealed over the next few weeks.

<h2>Are you against this as much as we are?</h2>