Thursday 13 January 2011

The Beginning of a film makers

Recently I have been thinking about film makers and what makes a film maker. I've watched alot of films over the past few weeks from the so called film makers of today for example, 'PULP FICTION' by Quentin Tarontino, 'INCEPTION' by Christopher Nolan, 'A MILLION DOLAR BABY' by Clint Eastwood and 'SHUTTER ISLAND' by Martin Scorsese.

All of these incredible and mind blowing film makers all started from somewhere. I reserched these film makers and tried to find there first ever film they made. What I found visually interesting as a lover of film and film production, is there own film styles slow creeping into there first films almost a hint of what is to come in 5-10 years.

Quentino Tarantino is know for 'Pulp Fiction' and 'Reservoir Dogs' but his first short film that he directed, wrote and even stared in was ' My Best Friends Birthday' I managed to find the film on the internet and watched a few scenes, where I could imediatly see creative and visual side of the Tarantino we know today.

One of my favourite and in my opinion best film maker of today Christopher Nolan, hasn't really been around or in the public eye for long and really came into the spotlight after is amazing comic to film transformation of Batman. I looked up his Directed films and inputs he has to films, and the list was surprisingly short, I found and managed to track down a few minutes of the opening of his directual debut called 'Doodleebug' this short film stood out to straight away after reading the storyline because it was so diffrent to anyother short film I have ever seen before, 

'In a ratty flat, a man is on his hands and knees, holding a shoe by its toe, trying to kill a bug of some sort that so far has managed to evade him. He keeps up the chase and whacks at it a few times. Then, we get a look at what he's been trying to flatten. In what sort of universe have we found ourselves? Who's in danger?'

My first reactions were that this film will be quite boring and how can someone make this interesting and really attract the audience, but thats what Christopher does so well! Only casting one actor, and only using a few cameras and techniques Chirstopher still manages to create tension and claustrophobia with his camera angles and use of editing.

I have always been a fan of Martin Scorsese and his first ever short film ever since the day I saw it back In my year 12 film studies class and since then my passion for his film making and this certain piece of film making has changed the way I look at creating films and short scenes. There isn't a single fan of film that doesn't know who Martin Scorses is and what he has produced, he really is the father of film and always will be. In Martin first short film he did something completely diffrent that still to this day hasn't been done again, he took an everyday ordanary thing and turned it around into something dramatic, horrific and shocking.

All of techniques that we see in these directors first film making debuts all show there first efforts and thoughts on film making from camera angles to casting and even editing. Even now when we watch there latest blockbuster hits like Christopher Nolan's 'INCEPTION' we see what the hard work and journey his has come through and how he and others still use methods from the first ever films all the way through to there very last.

Martin Scorses's 'THE BIG SHAVE' (His first ever short film)

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