Wednesday 19 January 2011


First official images of 'X-Men-first class' have been released, and yes it doesn't live up to the hype in my opinion. The film is directed by 'Kick Ass' director Vince Vaughan who proved that a comic-book adaptation can be low budget and still blow away the box-office, so a certain hype surrounding his next superhero flick isn't a shock.

Based on Professor Xavier's first X-Men class we can expect not to see the big named classmates we know and love from previous X-Men films. This is set in 1960's when Xavier and Eric Lehnsherr (Magneto) were good friends and decide to build a school for troubled mutant teens.

The image shows all nine of X-Men- First class characters standing side by side in the new and if I do say so slightly more camp but improved yellow suites. The image takes you back to Bryan Singers X-Men, where there standing arms crossed looking deep into the camera making audiences gasp with what mutant powers these nine have. Hopefully future posters and images of the next X-men adventure are a little better and perhaps different, this is a reboot after all.

Stay tuned in the future for more X-Men-First class images, now there is one no doubt a lot more will soon be around the web. 


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