Wednesday 20 April 2011

Three awesome new pictures of Ryan Reynolds all suited as Green Lantern

Wow, wow and wow, this is what the fans have been waiting for, some decent images of the DC superhero.

Released earlier today, we managed to snap up these three images thanks to Hey U Guys, and I think you would all agree, they are pretty epic. Not really showing anything apart from Ryan standing there in full costume, I think that's the point Warner Bros. is trying to make. With a lot of criticism about the way the CGI suit looked like in the trailers and previous images released, these new pictures sure smack those comments in the face. Giving a cool dark green glow, Reynolds looks kick-ass.

You can see Reynolds in his full Green Lantern glory above, from head to toe, literally. In fact did anyone actually know that he doesn't have boots? Hmm a superhero with no boots, that's a new one.

<h2>Hitting cinemas 17th June, we all can't wait for this</h2>  


Ryan Reynalds Speaks out about 'Green Lantern'

With a lot of the news at the moment surrounding 'Green Lanterns' CGI problems and trailer issue etc., it's nice to have a good chat from the leading man Ryan Reynolds about the film at hand, and hear what he has to say about his character, and separate the negatives with the positives (if there are any)

After speaking exclusively with <a target="_blank" href="">Total Film</a> about the DC superhero, Ryan explained what actually appealed to him when he was first approached with the film.

Here is what he had to say.

<em>“His real superpower is something everyone can relate to: it’s grappling and dealing with fear every day.”</em>

The actor also told explained what makes his superhero stand out from the rest, and surprisingly it's not his bright green suit.

<em>“There’s a big distinction. One is crazy, being fearless; the other one is very human. I think that’s what makes him the greatest Green Lantern of all.”</em

<em>“I think that’s what kids and adults alike are gonna love about it.”</em>

I think we can all say that whenever Ryan Reynolds is passionate about something, he really is passionate, lets just hope the film delivers in the way Ryan is making it sound.

Green Lantern is released 17th June, so you still have a little while to wait to see Ryan in his cucumber suit.

<h2>Are you as confident as Ryan is about 'Green Lantern?'</h2>

Zack Snyder says that his Clark Kent will NOT appear in the Justice League film.

After not the best start he would of wanted for 'Sucker Punch', Zack Snyder is now focusing on 'Superman' and lets pray that maybe after reading our and a few other reviews, he go back and changes a few things, because I don't think many people are too confident at the moment with Mr Snyder.

However now we have some other confusing and ridiculous news from the land of Warner Bros. and DC Comics. We<a target="_blank" href="">Reported</a> yesterday that Batman will in fact get rebooted, after Christopher Nolan's sequel 'The Dark Knight Rises', so that Batman can slide into the story of 'The Justice League' film which apparently will be hitting the cinema in 2013 (yeah I'm angry, confused and stunned as well). And now Zack Snyder has said that his Superman will not be part of the 'Justice League' franchise, so now it looks like we will have another Superman and no doubt another film as well. Warner Bros. what the heck are doing?!

Here is what the director had to say about the issue.

<em>"Like what Christopher Nolan is doing and what I'm doing with Superman, what they'll do with Justice League of America will be it's own thing with it's own Batman and own Superman. We'll be over here with our movie and they'll kinda get to do it twice which is kinda cool."</em>

So, two Clark Kent's and a potentially three Bruce Wayne's, not going to lie viewers but this sounds awful lets be honest. I mean the thing that Marvel have done so well is, take there time over the big event (Avengers) and lets the characters establish themselves before jumping the gun, Warner are pretty much rushing it in the worst possible way, before we have even seen a new Batman or Superman project. Think we should call back Clooney and see if he wants to get into the suit for another terrible outing for Batman.

The only positive is that Chris Nolan will produce the three Batman films, but somehow I'm not sure why he would want to be \apart of this, will see what else is revealed over the next few weeks.

<h2>Are you against this as much as we are?</h2>

Tuesday 22 March 2011


We all obviously know that Steven Speilberg is bringing 'Tin Tin' to life, and for the first time, he has been keep the project very secretive from the fans, to create as much anticipation as possible.

Thanks to our friends at <a target="_blank" href="">Total Film</a> we have a cheeky interview with the director, and the risk involving motion capture, and the procedure he took in deciding whether or not it was a good idea., using the controversial filming method.

Here is what Mr Speilberg had to say.

<em>“It was based on my respect for the art of HergĂ© and wanting to get as close to that art as I could,”</em> Spielberg says. <em>“HergĂ© wrote about fictional people in a real world, not in a fantasy universe.”</em>

<em>“It was the real universe he was working with, and he used National Geographic to research his adventure stories. It just seemed that live action would be too stylised for an audience to relate to.</em>

He also went on talking about making 'Tin Tin' look realistic, but keeping with the look we all know and love.

<em>“You’d have to have costumes that are a little outrageous when you see actors wearing them. The costumes seem to fit better when the medium chosen is a digital one.”</em>

He went on saying just how much he has fallen in love with the method of filming.

<em>“I just adored it, It made me more like a painter than ever before. I got a chance to do so many jobs that I don’t often do as a director.”</em>

<em>“You get to paint with this device that puts you into a virtual world, and allows you to make your shots and block all the actors with a small hand-held device only three times as large as an Xbox game controller.”</em>

We all think 'Tin Tin' looks great lets just hope it lives up to the anticipation, we all have for it.

<h2>Can you see Speilberg doing more motion capture films? How about Younger version of Indiana Jones? This is Hollywood after all, anything could happen.</h2>

Skyline Review

We are back to that time again, another alien invasion of the blue light kind. I'm not sure why I always find myself watching films about E.T on a period so interesting, maybe its because there always that feeling that one day it could actually happen, well it hasn't. What has happened Ill tell you is another film has arrived of another awful alien invasion film, with yet more screaming humans scared about the human race being wiped away.

I checked out the trailer, and actually thought 'Skyline' look pretty bloody amazing, so I got myself comfortable put on my t-shirt that read 'I was abducted by aliens and all I got was the shit t-shirt' and I was ready. Wow is this film boring, I know it was directed by the guys that brought us the less than eventful 'Alien vs Preditor: Requiem, but this is ridiculous. I mean how many time do you want to look out the window at an alien invasion and take pretty pictures for your Facebook profile.

The film follows a group of friends, in which two of the guys are reunited from college for the others birthday bash, and apart from waking up with a terrible hangover, they wake up with ET shining a blue light in there face, which makes them fly off into the spaceship. If you ask me, this film was pretty predictable, with a clever and different start to the film, with a flash back of what happened a few hours ago, this really felt like a typical unappealing Sci-Fi film.

Don't get me wrong this film does deliver a bit more on the scare side than previous movies, and the two man males do leave a little place in your heart for some bizarre reason, so its not all bad. Heading off the Will Smith and Jeff Goldbum wannabes are Eric Balfour (Yeah I didn't know who he was either) and one of scrubs main men Donald Faison, who I must say has done some weird to his teeth, could stop looking at those munchers through the whole film. They show who is the boss, but unfortunately that fails. There is however a pretty awesome killing that Eric Balfour does to one of the aliens, does make you want to punch the air a little.

I am usually a big fan of these high budget, Hollywood block busters, but this seriously bored me, I was almost contemplating start a rumour that I was an alien because I was so bored.

If you are an easy film night human who will watch anything that has CGI in then this is probably your film, but I think I will stick to 'Independence' and big Willy!

Thursday 17 March 2011

Due Date Review

From the director that brought us the hilarious comedy 'The Hangover' we have another release with the same kind of ridiculous humour and crazy storyline with 'Due Date'

Starring Robert Downey JR and the leader of the 'Wolf Pack' Zack Galifianakis as two unlikely couples who end up having to make to long journey to the heart of LA. With Robert Downey trying to get back for his due date of his new born kid, things take a turn for the worst unsurprisingly, when he bumps into Ethan (Zack Galifiankis) and he manages to cause a hell of a lot of hassle for Mr Downey JR. With a lot of set backs you would expect with this kind of film, for some reason you don't seem to get inpatient, or bored which I was kind of expecting.

Starting off quite slow, which almost made you second guess to why you was watching it, I was seriously having some doubts about this film. Setting the story and the characters and almost 25 minutes through, I was still yet to laugh out loud. Is this the film that made me cry with laughter when I saw the trailer? At the moment it was non excistant.

However, this soon changed!, with Robert Downey soon coming to life, this film burst life as if you gave pro plus to a three year old. With several jokes and silly scenes which made you think I shouldn't be laughing at this, but oh what the hell and crack up laughing, 'Due Date' was the film I knew I was going to love from the trailers.

With a clever twist mid way in the film, which made you complete expect the unexpected, I found myself second guessing this film, which when its directed by the guy that did the hangover, I hang my head in shame.

Galifiankis, setting the standard now, and he really shows he is the new fat, curly, hairy kid on the block, with his great comedic acting and very clever camp walking, which I was seriously impressed with. I can't wait to see this guy next.

Leaving open a possible sequel, my head says no, because it would be far too much, but my heart will seriously beat again for a sequel, I loved it, well all apart from the first 20 odd minutes.

Due Date really is one to purchase, if you like any kind of silly, serious comedy with a lot of hilarious jokes, then please get 'Due Date' and let me know what you think.

Special Features.

Special Features, or do I say lack of special features, with this DVD all you really do seem to get is the film and nothing else. I love my special features and this has infuriated, there a gag reel, woop woop, my dreams have been answered. We can only be releaved because this film is so much better than its special features.

Is Megan Fox going to be 'Knocked Up'?

With news coming out in Hollywood that Paul Rudd and Leslie Mann will reprise there former roles from the comedy 'Knocked Up' for a sequel, there have been more casting rumours inform of pouted lipped Megan Fox also joining them on set.

Thanks to our pals at <a target="_blank" href="">Hollywood Reporter</a> we know that Jude Apatow is set to reprise his role of Writer/Director, so fingers crossed he has something different to bring to this sequel. Although its unconfirmed that Megan will be in 'Knocked Up 2' it would defiantly be funny to see her with a huge ass and baby bump.

Its obvious that Paul Rudd and Leslie Mann's characters will be the mother and father to be, but maybe Megan will come in and play a weird and funny love triangle. I however can't really see this kicking off, and see another 'Meet the parents' trilogy and crashing and burning. But we have all been wrong in the past.

<h2>What do you think about a 'Knocked Up' sequel? yay or nay?</h2>