Tuesday 22 March 2011


We all obviously know that Steven Speilberg is bringing 'Tin Tin' to life, and for the first time, he has been keep the project very secretive from the fans, to create as much anticipation as possible.

Thanks to our friends at <a target="_blank" href="http://www.totalfilm.com/news/steven-spielberg-discusses-motion-capturing-tintin">Total Film</a> we have a cheeky interview with the director, and the risk involving motion capture, and the procedure he took in deciding whether or not it was a good idea., using the controversial filming method.

Here is what Mr Speilberg had to say.

<em>“It was based on my respect for the art of HergĂ© and wanting to get as close to that art as I could,”</em> Spielberg says. <em>“HergĂ© wrote about fictional people in a real world, not in a fantasy universe.”</em>

<em>“It was the real universe he was working with, and he used National Geographic to research his adventure stories. It just seemed that live action would be too stylised for an audience to relate to.</em>

He also went on talking about making 'Tin Tin' look realistic, but keeping with the look we all know and love.

<em>“You’d have to have costumes that are a little outrageous when you see actors wearing them. The costumes seem to fit better when the medium chosen is a digital one.”</em>

He went on saying just how much he has fallen in love with the method of filming.

<em>“I just adored it, It made me more like a painter than ever before. I got a chance to do so many jobs that I don’t often do as a director.”</em>

<em>“You get to paint with this device that puts you into a virtual world, and allows you to make your shots and block all the actors with a small hand-held device only three times as large as an Xbox game controller.”</em>

We all think 'Tin Tin' looks great lets just hope it lives up to the anticipation, we all have for it.

<h2>Can you see Speilberg doing more motion capture films? How about Younger version of Indiana Jones? This is Hollywood after all, anything could happen.</h2>

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