Sunday 27 February 2011

Sanctum Cinema Review

If you're afraid of water or even slightly claustrophobic then maybe 'Sanctum' isn't your film. This 3D adventure starts off the way it means to go on, not giving you a gasp of breath before something heart pumping happens again.

From all of the advertisement posters that were released anyone would think it was James Cameron that directed this film but in case you didn't know, he only produced this adrenaline rush, edge-of-you're-seat action water ride.

'Sanctum is Directed by Alister Grierson who makes his first major feature film début, and what a one he decided to start with. Based on a true story and after watching it, wow, what an adventure these guys had to go through. 'Sanctum' tells the story of an underwater cave diving team who experience a life or death crisis when the cave starts to flood, with the entrance blocked, the only way to survival is to go further into the cave in search of another escape route. With twist and turns around every rock, 'Sanctum' has even the bravest critic in the cinema biting their nails.

With not much of an all star cast you would expect to be attached to a film like this, you can see maybe what it was missing. With lazy acting in parts, this film felt more like an American series and not a high budget block buster involving James Cameron. Never the less, you soon forget about these silly flaws when you find yourself holding your breath and getting out the wetsuit.

Filmed using the latest 3D technology you can see why it excelled in places, the use of 3D in many of the underwater scenes were stunning, and made you feel as if you were actually there fighting to stay alive, this technology was used smartly and very effectively. This film really has got me excited for whatever Mr 3D (James Cameron) has up his sleeves next. With several unexpected twists in the film, you really have no idea how this was going to end, which for once makes a difference to a film portraying a true story.

If you are looking for an underwater adventure which is certainly going to make you think twice about taking a dunk in the bath, then trust me 'Sanctum' is your film, just take your armbands along.

Strange but true, A statue of 'Robocop' to be put up in Detroit.

Yes that's correct you have read this title right, Robocop the much loved half man, half Robot is making a come back and probably not in the way we all wanted, as a statue.

RoboCop was a huge franchise in the late 80's early 90's releasing a high budget trilogy for its time. There have been a lot of rumours and possible signs of the butch robot making a come back to the big screen, but not before a statue of him is being made and put on show in his honour. I mean we're from Nottingham and have a statue of 'Robin Hood' maybe we started a trend off, who knows.

The money was actually raised by fans in Detroit the home of RoboPolicemen, even though enough money has been raised already you can still donate if you really, really want to, can honestly say I would to be honest. Still shows there are fans out there dedicated to this franchise.

Could this be the start of a come-back for RoboCop?

Shane Meadows talks 'This is England'

'This is England' Shane Meadows outstanding portrayal of England in 1983 blew everyone away with its shock, grit and chill to show how England was back then, so it came to no surprise when he announced a four part series would be made for channel 4 based three years later. Meadows terrified us with his franchise and created four stunning episodes to leave his home town of Nottingham and the audiences wanting and hell of a lot more.

Planning to start filming in Spring, and to bring back the familiar cast with the likes of Woody and Lol, acting as a floor filler 'This is England 88' will be the base of other spin of series to come in the future, so hopefully we can expect any loose ends that were left in '88' to be tied up leaving us a smooth transition into 'TIE 90'

Staying true to the story Meadows is co-writing 'This is England 88 and 90' with 'Shameless/Skins' writer Jack Thorne.

This is England 90 is currently is development, but being from Nottingham expect this to no be forgotten!

Big Mamas house 3 Cinema Review

There's something a bit disturbing when you think of a man always going to the option of dressing up as a women to solve a crime case, than actually doing things properly like any order nary 'cop'. But if that was the case (see what I did there) we wouldn't have any 'Big Mamma' films, so stop cursing the air at that fact please.

Back for a third, and lets hope the last time ever in my life time, Martin Lawrence zips up the suit of much loved, over-sized and street wise Big Mamma. However this time he has dragged his step son along with him, yeah I know, they have made it even more cringing, and valuable point to call then men in white coats to take away Mr Lawrence, but lets make him film 'Bad Boys 3' before we do that.

Having to go undercover yet again, and this time disguising his son as Big Mamma's niece, we find the two battling with there differences as father and son, and who should wear the red shoes. Being forced to portray a young school girl at a art school, the son soon falls in love and has to juggle his women suit, for a high top trainers. With pretty much a lot of elements from the first film, and they even quote from it as well, there are times where you can clearly see that they had no ideas where this film was going.

With ridiculous bad guys trying to look tough and put on a Russian voice, they looked more like ex porn stars trying to break Hollywood with there fake tan, and over trimmed haircut. It may seem as if I'm putting this film in every way possible but its because it so easy to because there are so many poor scenes and speeches and jokes. However Brandon T. Jackson who plays 'Trent' the son of Martin Lawrence does make you laugh a few times, with the uncomfortable, cocky kid in a girls outfit, but maybe that's a young martin Lawrence coming out, so watch out we have an impersonator on the lose (shoot me now).

As soon as you see the title, you know straight away this film shouldn't have been made, and thats exactly it, why was it made? Why did good money get spent on a silly sequel? And why was there loads of old people watching it and no teenagers? Kinda sums the film up really doesn't it.

I'm so happy there wont be any more of these made, if there is, I think I will put on a fat suit and jump of the nearest bridge and shout 'Child' in a 'Big Mammas' voice.

CSI Season 10 Review

That's right! The CSI team are back to solve more complicated murders in the city of Las Vegas for the 10th season. Anyone would think that a show that is releasing its 10th season would be a bit boring and repetitive by now, and it some cases that's true but to be honest I think its getting better and better.

Let's face it if you have seen one CSI then you have pretty much seen them all, with the storyline changing in every episode so you don't really have to watch week by week. This season of Crime scene Investigation has possibly got more gory and the deaths are more brutal to the fact that someone gets shots over 130 times, think that might sting a little. Not holding back on the fake blood or morgue scenes, this season certainly stands out from the rest on that front, however starting each episode in exactly the same way with a shot of Vegas, then a dead body does start to drag once you have seen it 30 odd times

With the same cast from the previous seasons we see the CSI's look stronger and more connected, which I think is all thanks to the arrival of Laurence Fishurne, and his character Dr Raymond Langston. Langston has a huge passion in what he does but there are some cracks that seem to show early on in this season but don't fully unfold, it was nice to see that there were more personal stories blending off from the actual story, gave the episodes more depth which for a show like CSI it is hard to keep the audience and interest and awake in my cases sometimes.

With varied episodes and deaths this season definitely kept you expecting the unexpected, with a few puzzles leaving you to think, 'how did that happen?' and 'why would anyone go and leave something like that lying around to get picked up by the most famous crime Lab in the state I will never know' You really do get caught up with mass murdering psychopaths. The first two disc showed great writing and story-telling but as you work your way through the box set you soon see laziness of the writers, but you can't blame them for running this series for 10 seasons now. Towards the end of the box set, you feel as if you can solve these murders yourself with the repetitive procedures they use in every episode to keep every single bit of evidence in its prime condition, but as you get into the investigation you're soon fixated on finding the killer.

<h2>Special features</h2>
If I am being very honest with you right now readers of Bftv, then I have to say that the special features are very poor, with not much to show for the endless deaths and swabbing this season had for us, There is barely a great amount of features to say, no making of or a deeper look into the work of this hit American show, there really is nothing to show for its huge scale of work.

For a show that has been running for so long now, you really do need to admire the writers for carrying on. Keeping you glued to the television screen still after so long and this season proves why I can't wait for season 11 to be released, I know I should be ridiculously bored of this by now but for some reason I can't get enough of it.

Beem me up, Sci-Fi London's 48hr Film challenge is back!!

Here's one for all you Sci-fi lovers out there, we have news on an incredible competition in London, That's right! Sci-Fi London's 48hr Film challenge is back, and by the sounds of things its bigger than ever.

If you're unfamiliar with the huge Sci-Fi competition here is what we was sent by them earlier today.

<em>SCI-FI-LONDON's 48 Hour Film Challenge is looking for the next Gareth

Since 2009, SCI-FI-LONDON Film Festival has run a 48 Hour Film
Challenge where participants script, shoot, edit and complete a short
format science fiction or fantasy film.

Taking part is free and easy... Our film challenge is FREE TO ENTER -
it seems wrong to ask for money, it's hard enough work as it is! We give
out a randomly generated film title, some dialogue and a prop list.
Participants then have just 48 hours to write, shoot and edit a complete
five minute film.</em>

The judging panel for this competition is even more impressive than last year, leading the space launch is 'Shaun of the Dead' and 'Scott Pilgrim vs the World' Director' Edgar Wright, who will also be enlisting the help from Mary Lambert, and a newcomer to the panel and 2008's winner of the challenge with 'Monsters' Gareth Edwards, who knows exactly what everyone is looking for and hoping. Total Films News editor Rosie Fletcher, Head of Vertigo films Allan Niblo and Todd Brown editor of twitch film also lead a helping hand when picking potential Scorsese's.

Winner of this great competition gets the opportunity to have there film made or develop an alternative, so if you love you 'Star Wars' or you're more of a Treky don't miss out. Competition takes place 2-4 April 2011 at the Apollo Piccadilly Circus

What would you do if you had the opportunity to shoot a short Sci-Fi film, LET US KNOW

Marmaduke DVD Review

I have a moto here its goes 'I watch these films so you don't have to' and that's exactly what was going through my mind when I got about 15 minutes into 'Marmaduke'.

There's a reason why animal based films just do not work, there is a reason why dog films do shockingly awful at the cinema and box, and that's because whatever age you are or how many times you have entered Cruffs in your life, you can't make a good dog film.

Marmaduke follows the paws of a great Dane and his ridiculously boring, annoying story of being the odd one out, not fitting in and just dull and ordinary life that we have seen a million times on the big screen. Owen Wilson lent his voice for the annoying canine, I have to admit I was a big fan of Mr Wilson's work in the past, but because he actually agreed and went to the effort or learning the awful and unfunny lines of Marmaduke, I'm sorry Owen but I'm ticking the unlike button off your Facebook page later.

With clever CGI to actually make it look real that these animals are talking, I was impressed briefly, but that was literally brief. Taking over the award of worst animal talking rubbish film from 'Rocky and Bullwinkle' I really can't see why anyone would want to be attached to a film like this.

Obviously young kids will adore this film, and parents be warned your child will start to beg for a hand bag with a tiny ugly chihuahua after watching this film, but they will sit and laugh at a few wise cracks from a talking dog, I failed to see any kind of humour with this film, apart from a few scenes where I found myself from smiling briefly, there really isn't much positives to say but a dog surfs, that sums up this film really.

Special Features.

When I opened my eyes for the special features and forced myself to even think about clicking enter to watch, I was seriously surprised, it has the standard special features you would get with a single disc DVD copy, but there three deleted scenes were actually OK. I nice little surprise I must say.

Friday 4 February 2011

Sanctum Cinema Review

If you're afraid of water or even slightly claustrophobic then maybe 'Sanctum' isn't your film. This 3D adventure starts off the way it means to go on, not giving you a gasp of breath before something heart pumping happens again.

From all of the advertisement posters that were released anyone would think it was James Cameron that directed this film but in case you didn't know, he only produced this adrenaline rush, edge-of-you're-seat action water ride.

'Sanctum is Directed by Alister Grierson who makes his first major feature film début, and what a one he decided to start with. Based on a true story and after watching it, wow, what an adventure these guys had to go through. 'Sanctum' tells the story of an underwater cave diving team who experience a life or death crisis when the cave starts to flood, with the entrance blocked, the only way to survival is to go further into the cave in search of another escape route. With twist and turns around every rock, 'Sanctum' has even the bravest critic in the cinema biting their nails.

With not much of an all star cast you would expect to be attached to a film like this, you can see maybe what it was missing. With lazy acting in parts, this film felt more like an American series and not a high budget block buster involving James Cameron. Never the less, you soon forget about these silly flaws when you find yourself holding your breath and getting out the wetsuit.

Filmed using the latest 3D technology you can see why it excelled in places, the use of 3D in many of the underwater scenes were stunning, and made you feel as if you were actually there fighting to stay alive, this technology was used smartly and very effectively. This film really has got me excited for whatever Mr 3D (James Cameron) has up his sleeves next. With several unexpected twists in the film, you really have no idea how this was going to end, which for once makes a difference to a film portraying a true story.

If you are looking for an underwater adventure which is certainly going to make you think twice about taking a dunk in the bath, then trust me 'Sanctum' is your film, just take your armbands along

Tuesday 1 February 2011

Spider-Man Doing His Thing And Wall-Crawling HOOORAHH!!

There have been even more Spider-Man photos released and this time we actually see him web-crawling Hooray! We released last week more images of Mark Webb's 'Untitled Spider-Man' reboot and it seems we can't get enough of our friendly neighbourhood spider-man at the moment because yet again we have more to show you. We are slowly progressing through all of the webbed swingers powers with all of these photos being released, from running and flipping on a moving car, too swinging down to bad guys in the street and now we have pictures of him wall crawling up the side on a lorry, is there anything this guy can't do in one scene? Thanks to our friends over at Movieweb for snapping up these photos!

What's worrying me is that all of these photos that have been put out across the world wide web are all of the same scene, and I don't know about you but I think I've got a good grasp on what is actually happening. We have moved from the point of view of wow this suit if terrible to near enough knowing in the slides the whole chase scene and fight scene.

Lets not take away the fact that a few of these pictures show Spider-man looking quite cool and heroic on the side of a moving vehicle, but I'm bored of this already, show me something different preferably a Spidey picture with Andrew Garfield?.

For some reason I'm still excited about this films release in summer 2012.

The 'Hall Pass' Trailer!!

Second 'Hall Pass' Trailer

Warner Bros. Have just sent us the second trailer for Owen Wilson and Jason Sudeikis's new film 'Hall Pass' has been released and it's pretty much everything we thought it would be. Going the look of 'The Hangover' meets 'American Pie' in 20 years time, there isn't anything new or improved from the previous trailer we reported on.

If you are unaware of what this film has to offer, check out the synopsis below and the new trailer to go with it.

Best buds Rick and Fred (Owen Wilson and Jason Sudeikis) have both been
married for many years. When they begin to show signs of restlessness at
home, their wives (Jenna Fischer and Christina Applegate) take a bold
approach to revitalize their marriages: they grant the guys a "hall
pass," one week of freedom to do whatever they want. No questions asked.

 At first, it sounds like a dream come true for Rick and Fred, but they
quickly discover that their expectations of the single life--and
themselves--are completely and hilariously out of sync with reality

Apart from its hard to believe Storyline 'Hall Pass' doe's show some potential to be a easy watch comedy this year, but to stand up against 'The Hangover' or 'Hangover Part two' I doubt it. I see this film being more Like a 'Hot Tub Time Machine' with it ridiculous non funny jokes with a few laugh out loud moment.

For anyone who wants a hall pass to see the 'Hall Pass' its released later this year

The Dark Knight Rises to be shot at PineWood Studios!!

More 'The Dark Knight Rises' news, this time it comes in form of location filming, It seems that a source has come out saying that Christopher Nolan is looking into filming parts of 'The Dark Knight Rises' at no other than the legendary film studios Pinewood Studios.

This would mean that Christopher Nolan's follow up to 'The Dark Knight' would be part of the legendary list of films to be part of Pinewood studios such as all of the Bond adventures, 'The Wolfman' and more recent all of Harry Potter's antics. I'm not sure why this has come as a surprise when parts of 'The Dark Knight' were filmed at Pinewood but lets be honest any speculation for this film is worthy to be heard.

The Dark Knight Rises to be shot at PineWood Studios!!

More 'The Dark Knight Rises' news, this time it comes in form of location filming, It seems that a source has come out saying that Christopher Nolan is looking into filming parts of 'The Dark Knight Rises' at no other than the legendary film studios Pinewood Studios.

This would mean that Christopher Nolan's follow up to 'The Dark Knight' would be part of the legendary list of films to be part of Pinewood studios such as all of the Bond adventures, 'The Wolfman' and more recent all of Harry Potter's antics. I'm not sure why this has come as a surprise when parts of 'The Dark Knight' were filmed at Pinewood but lets be honest any speculation for this film is worthy to be heard.

Spider-Man costume review

There have been even more web-crawler photos released and this time we actually see him web-crawling Woop Woop! We released last week more images of Mark Webb's 'Untitled Spider-Man' reboot and it seems we can't get enough of our friendly neighborhood spider-man at the moment because yet now we have more to show you. We are slowly progressing through all of the webbed swingers powers from running and flipping on a moving car, too swinging down to bad guys in the street and now we have pictures of him wall crawling up the side on a lorry, is there anything this guy can't do in one scene?

What's worrying me is that all of these photos that have been put out across the world wide web are all of the same scene, and I don't know about you but I think I've got a good grasp on what is actually happening. We have moved from the point of view of wow this suit if terrible to near enough knowing in slides the whole chase scene.

Lets not take away the fact that a few of these pictures show Spider-man looking quite cool and heroic on the side of a moving vehicle, but I'm bored of this already, show me something different preferably something with Andrew Garfield.

For some reason I'm still excited about this films release in summer 2012

Beastly Trailer is here!! ARRRGHHHHHHHH!! (Beastly Voice)

Beastly Trailer

A tale about beauty with a lot of 'Beastly', the new international trailer has been released and what we all thought, it looks pretty basic. After watching the new trailer we are still stumped to see any different story from the classic Disney film that we all know and love 'Beauty and the Beast'. Set in a modern day Manhattan we follow a spoilt rich boy who values seem to be lost so instead of using the naughty step and witch decides to place him under a curse of everything that he hates.

Starring Alex Pettyfer and Vanessa Hudgens as the Beast and Beauty this film seems to have a twilight meets Disney feel to it. Viewing the trailer we can see some possible new story lines and characters by introducing Neil Patrick Harris into the mix who can hopefully lighten to curse that may spread into the cinema on its release date.

I'm not hoping too much from this film, after viewing the trailer and seeing that nothing new or shocking has been released, at the moment we know the story, lets hope we gets magic curtain pulled from over our eyes.

Shane Meadows is preparing more 'This is England'. Hurrah!

Shane Meadows preparing more 'This is England'

'This is England' Shane Meadows outstanding portrayal of England in 1983 blew everyone away with its shock, grit and chill to show how England was back then, so it came to no surprise when he announced a four part series would be made for channel 4 based three years later. Meadows terrified us with his franchise and created four stunning episodes to leave his home town of Nottingham and the audiences wanting and hell of a lot more.

Planning to start filming in Spring, and to bring back the familiar cast with the likes of Woody and Lol, acting as a floor filler 'This is England 88' will be the base of other spin of series to come in the future, so hopefully we can expect any loose ends that were left in '88' to be tied up leaving us a smooth transition into 'TIE 90'

Staying true to the story Meadows is co-writing 'This is England 88 and 90' with 'Shameless/Skins' writer Jack Thorne.

This is England 90 is currently is development, but being from Nottingham expect this to no be forgotten!

True Grit 2010 Review

True Grit

When I sat down to watch this movie I literally went in at the deep end, I hadn't seen any of the trailers or brushed up on the news or cast I was a complete on the outside looking in on this movie, maybe that is good or maybe I would of enjoyed it a lot more if I already had a few thoughts on it to start, will never know.

After I watched the movie I researched the film and saw how much anticipation this film created, it is new film from the Coen brothers and has an all star cast with the likes of Jeff Bridges, Matt Damon and making her perfect big screen debut Hailee Steinfeld . True Grit follows the story of young Mattie who is a young teen that is fixed on finding her fathers killer and soon enlist the help of an alcoholic but still go it U.S Marshall (Jeff Bridges) to help hunt down the murderer. Along the way they find help from La Boeuf where the murdering Tom Chaney is wanted in his state, that's pretty much it for the story, simple I know.

Starting off very slow and quite dull at the start I found my self looking around the room finding anything to take in to pass the time. For me 'True Grit' wasn't living up to the hype everyone hoped it would be. However there was a big turning point which seemed to grab me from my chair and suck me in, twenty five minutes in and battling through the dull and hard to believe storyline I became hooked, I wanted them to catch Tom Chaney and I could really see why there was such a hype.

Being 1 hour 20minutes long that didn't give a lot of time to sway my mind enough, with hard to believe character like the one Hailee Steinfeld portrays I failed to see how a young 14 year old girl could take control and dominate these experience U.S Marshall's and without a tear to show for it. Trying to balance the serious with witty humour Bridges does his best to create a few smiles along the way, somehow I feel this movie was hesitant in what it wanted to achieve.

Darren Aronofsky wants to direct batman 4!??

'The Dark Knight Rises' plot hasn't even been released and already news of what will happen to the franchise once Christopher Nolan has put down the batmorang. According to rumour in the bat-cave WWE Superstar John Cena is looking and working towards his seat in the bat mobile in the next outing in batman 4, HOLY LAY THE SMACK DOWN ON THIS NEWS BATMAN!!

BUT now there is something to get everyone talking and rumours spread, 'The Wolverine' and 'The Swan' director Darren Aronofsky is come out in an interview and said he would love to put himself forward to direct the next adventure of Batman. Aronofsky failed to win round Warner Bros. With his script on 'Batman Begins' so he now feels that bringing out a comic-book adaptation would be a better way to win around Hollywood.

I think he would bring something completely different to Christopher Nolan's portrayal of The caped crusader, however is it what fans want and would expect?? Will have to see.

John Barry Dies

I was devastated this morning to hear the news that the world of film has lost one of its greatest talents, contributors and all round top fellas, John Barry. Barry died from a heart attack this morning, he was 77. If you're not familiar with his work, then you need a smack in the chops, as well composing 11 James Bond films, Barry laid down scores to such classics as Born Free, Walkabout, The Ipcress File and Dances with Wolves – amongst his best Bonds – On Her Majesty's Secret Service and You Only Live Twice get our vote.

Barry went on to win several awards for his work with the likes 'The Lion in the Winter' where he picked up his first individual Oscar. Showing his consistency John went on to win another three more Oscars and two Baftas and by the end of his career he was nominated for an astonishing 21 awards.

The shocking news was broken via twitter this morning when the latest Bond composer David Arnold posted "It is with a heavy heart that I tell you that Barry passed away this morning." David also went on to say "I am profoundly saddened by the news but profoundly thankful for everything he did for music and for me personally."

After looking at IMDB and the work Barry has done over the years, it looks like he didn't have a day off for 34 years working consistently on projects from 1960 through to 1994. So it's obvious when we say there will be a huge hole in cinema with his passing. David Arnold is great, but Bond has been missing a wee bit of the Barry magic since 1989, we often thought he might step out of retirement to do just one more, that won't be happening now, JB we hope you rest in peace – you will be mightily missed.