Sunday 27 February 2011

Marmaduke DVD Review

I have a moto here its goes 'I watch these films so you don't have to' and that's exactly what was going through my mind when I got about 15 minutes into 'Marmaduke'.

There's a reason why animal based films just do not work, there is a reason why dog films do shockingly awful at the cinema and box, and that's because whatever age you are or how many times you have entered Cruffs in your life, you can't make a good dog film.

Marmaduke follows the paws of a great Dane and his ridiculously boring, annoying story of being the odd one out, not fitting in and just dull and ordinary life that we have seen a million times on the big screen. Owen Wilson lent his voice for the annoying canine, I have to admit I was a big fan of Mr Wilson's work in the past, but because he actually agreed and went to the effort or learning the awful and unfunny lines of Marmaduke, I'm sorry Owen but I'm ticking the unlike button off your Facebook page later.

With clever CGI to actually make it look real that these animals are talking, I was impressed briefly, but that was literally brief. Taking over the award of worst animal talking rubbish film from 'Rocky and Bullwinkle' I really can't see why anyone would want to be attached to a film like this.

Obviously young kids will adore this film, and parents be warned your child will start to beg for a hand bag with a tiny ugly chihuahua after watching this film, but they will sit and laugh at a few wise cracks from a talking dog, I failed to see any kind of humour with this film, apart from a few scenes where I found myself from smiling briefly, there really isn't much positives to say but a dog surfs, that sums up this film really.

Special Features.

When I opened my eyes for the special features and forced myself to even think about clicking enter to watch, I was seriously surprised, it has the standard special features you would get with a single disc DVD copy, but there three deleted scenes were actually OK. I nice little surprise I must say.

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