Sunday 27 February 2011

Big Mamas house 3 Cinema Review

There's something a bit disturbing when you think of a man always going to the option of dressing up as a women to solve a crime case, than actually doing things properly like any order nary 'cop'. But if that was the case (see what I did there) we wouldn't have any 'Big Mamma' films, so stop cursing the air at that fact please.

Back for a third, and lets hope the last time ever in my life time, Martin Lawrence zips up the suit of much loved, over-sized and street wise Big Mamma. However this time he has dragged his step son along with him, yeah I know, they have made it even more cringing, and valuable point to call then men in white coats to take away Mr Lawrence, but lets make him film 'Bad Boys 3' before we do that.

Having to go undercover yet again, and this time disguising his son as Big Mamma's niece, we find the two battling with there differences as father and son, and who should wear the red shoes. Being forced to portray a young school girl at a art school, the son soon falls in love and has to juggle his women suit, for a high top trainers. With pretty much a lot of elements from the first film, and they even quote from it as well, there are times where you can clearly see that they had no ideas where this film was going.

With ridiculous bad guys trying to look tough and put on a Russian voice, they looked more like ex porn stars trying to break Hollywood with there fake tan, and over trimmed haircut. It may seem as if I'm putting this film in every way possible but its because it so easy to because there are so many poor scenes and speeches and jokes. However Brandon T. Jackson who plays 'Trent' the son of Martin Lawrence does make you laugh a few times, with the uncomfortable, cocky kid in a girls outfit, but maybe that's a young martin Lawrence coming out, so watch out we have an impersonator on the lose (shoot me now).

As soon as you see the title, you know straight away this film shouldn't have been made, and thats exactly it, why was it made? Why did good money get spent on a silly sequel? And why was there loads of old people watching it and no teenagers? Kinda sums the film up really doesn't it.

I'm so happy there wont be any more of these made, if there is, I think I will put on a fat suit and jump of the nearest bridge and shout 'Child' in a 'Big Mammas' voice.

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