Tuesday 15 March 2011

The Residents Cinema Review

Thriller, stalker, jumps and scares, victim finds out at the end what is happening and kills the stalker, The End. That's pretty much what this film is about if I'm being completely honest with you.

Starring Hilary Swank as Juliet Devereau the hopeless, naïve damsel in distress. After splitting up from her boyfriend she decides to move into a new apartment alone, so she can think about her future and what she wants in life, and stalker or a boyfriend pretty much. After meeting her more than helpful landlord she immediately falls in love with the apartment, and not for the landlord, who is played by have a shave actor , Jeffrey Dean Morgan. The two immediately hit it off, with no surprise, and her trust for her landlord is at its maximum even after the first day, what a surprise.

At the start of the film, you automatically judge every male character that Juliet meets, trying to figure out, is he the stalker or not, and I actually found myself sitting back really trying to get my head around the possible suspects, but then they blow the cover of the stalker about 10 minutes into the film and spoils the whole plot for the audience. For what started and could have been a very good psychological thriller like 'Seven' was back in the day, this film was well, boring. The best parts of the film were literally in the first 25 minutes. You get to see great chemistry between Hilary and Jeffrey, and really start to feel for the characters, but here is a lesson in life readers, if something is to good to be true, it normally is. I really thought this film was on to something but maybe not, cheap DVD rental maybe, not cinema smash.

Heading towards the climax of the film, well I wouldn't really call it that, there wasn't any points where you thought 'She might not actually make this' you just thought 'Oh my god, kill him already, I've got washing up to do and ironing, and work, and getting the hour and half back of my life, you stole from me'.

With not many twist or unexpected turns in the plot, this film was far too predictable, I mean even the clumsy looking and idiotic Brett Ratner could of figured this one out for himself.

If you like a typical thrillers, with the same old scenes and spooks, then this really is your film. However if you really want to do something more exciting like your washing, then I'm sure the pile you have lying around is more attractive than this film.

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